Once you have canceled a Koncept Kit domain, it is automatically deleted from our systems when the end of the term is reached and is then no longer available.

Please note: If you connected your domain to a website or mailbox(es), they will also not be available after this date.

You have 30 days from the day of the deletion to reverse the cancellation. During this redemption period, you have the right to resume ownership of the domain, the domain is not offered for public sale, and it cannot be registered by third parties.

Once this 30-day period has elapsed, the domain is once again offered for public sale and can be registered by anyone – You can also register the domain again if you wish.

Register Another Domain

Canceling the Entire Contract
The associated contract remains active after a domain cancellation and can still accrue costs. To cancel the entire contract and all its features, select the Cancel Entire Contract item in our Contract Service.

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